Saturday, October 12, 2024

Annual Covered Dish Dinner on Dawson Creek

Tonight we enjoyed another fabulous gathering at the Halls' home -- perfect, glorious weather,
wonderful food, fun games, great conversations and fellowship.
What an exceptional evening!
We all stayed until it began to grow dark.

Many thanks to the Halls for their wonderful hospitality!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Happenings in Recent Months

This past week many of our church folks gathered at Gary's Seafood 
for a delicious lunch together and great fellowship!

On Saturday, a very welcoming baby shower was given for a granddaughter of our church and her new husband, as they await their new baby.

Even gathering at the church to clean the kitchen and bathrooms can turn into a party! Look at those smiles.
Pastor Adam Christiansen was the narrator for the Oriental live nativity in December.
Thanksgiving Day, many friends in the community gathered in the fellowship hall for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner, always a wonderful time with amazing food.
The Community 5th Sunday Sing in the autumn was a great event! So many churches participated, the music was excellent, and the fellowship was so heart-warming!


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Fellowship Pot-Luck Supper

 Tonight is our monthly fellowship supper.

This time ... it's Italian night!

Bring an Italian dish, or really any dish you like,

and join us!

Adam is baking foccacia and slow-cooking

Italian sausage, peppers, and onions.

Afterward we play a game or two and laugh until the sunset tells us

it's time to drive home.

You are very welcome to come!

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

10th Community Thanksgiving Dinner!

Everyone is welcome to our
Community Thanksgiving Dinner!
*2:00 pm in our fellowship hall*
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes provided.
RSVP to Adam @ 252-772-5430
or M.K. @ 828-384-8090


Sunday, July 24, 2022

Come to Worship; Come to Peace

Are you feeling anxious? Afraid? Depressed? Find peace in worship. These words were posted today:

 "We know there is danger but unlike being washed by fear while listening to the siren in the middle of the night alone in our beds, being together in worship and prayer fills our hearts with peace that surpasses understanding." 

- pastor's wife in Kyiv, about their worship this morning

"The Lord is near; 
 do not be anxious about anything, 
but in everything by prayer and supplication
 with thanksgiving
 let your requests be made known to God. 
 And the peace of God,
 which surpasses all understanding, 
will guard your hearts and your minds 
in Christ Jesus."
Phil. 4:5-7

Friday, April 15, 2022

The Seder Supper at Last!

 We've waited four years to celebrate the Seder together again! What a delightful, meaningful evening it was. The readings and history, the Scripture, the various dishes and dippings. We learned which bread Jesus passed to his disciples, and which of the four cups was the cup He passed to them also -- the cup for Elijah that had not been drunk at the Passover for hundreds of years. The prophet had come; the Messiah was here! Hallelujah!

Resurrection Day is almost here. 

He is risen; He is risen indeed!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Services Canceled!

 Tomorrow, January 23, 2022, there will be 

no Sunday school or worship service at our church,

 due to icy winter conditions on roadways 

and at our homes. 

Please be safe and we hope to see you next Sunday.