On the second Saturday evening of each month, our church enjoys a fellowship covered-dish supper. June's fellowship supper was quite an event! These dishes were only the beginning -- by the time we ate, the table was crammed with wonderful casseroles, salads and fried chicken. Many thanks to the cooks!
We had a great crowd there, even though some of our regular members weren't able to come. We enjoyed visiting and eating.
We filled up three tables! After supper, we participated in a very fun activity. Each person had been asked to bring an item of emotional significane to him or her. After eating, each person stood and shared about the item he/she brought.
What an interesting evening! We heard about cherished pets, saw medical records from pre-Revolutionary War days, a coin made from Apollo 13, a gold coin from South Africa, jewelry and pocket watches, old family photographs, and learned so much about each other. Church members who'd known each other for decades learned new things they'd never heard before.
If you're in town on the second Saturday night of the month, please join us! You're very welcome!