This weekend Pamlico Presbyterian Church celebrated thirty years of God's goodness and faithfulness to us. Through challenges, conflicts, joys, and many seasons of life-- He has remained the focus of our fellowship. We're so thankful that He's sustained our church all these years!
We had a good old-fashioned pig pickin' on Saturday. The men who did the pig arrived at 7:30 AM. The ladies came a bit later. There was plenty of work to do.
Edrae, Joyce, and Jeannette get the deep fryer ship-shape. |
Jill and Shane did so much work to make the Jubilee celebration happen. We're very thankful for them, their sweet spirit of helpfulness, and their smiles. |
Willy, Cricket, and Dot enjoyed a front row seat by the pig cooker. |
These men tended the pig all day long: Adam, Joe, Shane, and Joe |
Our friend Art came from out of town for the day and took pictures. |
Morgan, Adrianna, and Julia had fun in the beautiful weather. |
Jill, Jennifer, and Jordane organized the kids' face painting and bracelet activities. |
These tables were a hit with girls, young and old. |
A group of active boys enjoyed the pumpkin bowling. |
The pumpkins were a little worse for the wear! |
But they knocked down all the pins! |
The dress-up photo booth was a hoot. Here's Edrae. |
We won't reveal the identity of this grandmother-turned-galactic-villain. |
Bette looks classy no matter what she's wearing. |
Jordane is all about her kitty cats. |
Jill did an instant hair change. |
Art's flannel shirt blended right in. |
And some outfits were just plain silly. |
Morgan sports a cowboy hat rather well. |
And what would our day have been like, without adorable Steven to keep us laughing? |
Back to the food! The pig was laid out in a massive cast iron cooker for the day, skin side down.
A smaller grill was used for cooking the chicken quarters.
Twenty minutes before serving time, the pig looked like this! The men removed, by hand, all the bones and flesh, and the skin was left on the heat. Several folks enjoyed the ribs with meat attached, and later the skin became "cracklings," salty and very good.
Shane took the meat that Joe had scooped out and given to him, and chopped it up for serving. A spicy vinegar-based dressing livened up the meat, which some ate straight, and some put on buns.
Adam's chickens were delicious.
Here are the men, laboring over the heat at the last minute. They also made hush puppies in a deep fryer. Every single hush puppy was eaten -- they were fabulous!
The ladies set up the serving line in the corridor between the two buildings.
Autumn decorations abounded.
Everyone filed through the sanctuary, along the line, and proceeded to tables both outside and inside.
The air conditioning was inviting to many, since the high on Saturday was 85ยบ.
But some couldn't resist eating outside in the breeze, under the tent.
All the desserts could not fit on the designated table.
Almost 80 people attended our Jubilee, and we had quite a few regular attendees and friends who could not come, for various reasons. They were missed. But God brought in many visitors, family, and friends, and we had a wonderful time. The popcorn machine was an attraction, in addition to horse-shoes, apple bobbing, and a corn-hole game. Live music kept everyone clapping and singing about 4:00. At 6:00, after our meal, we enjoyed hearing a message from Rev. Ola Forbes of the PCA church in Chocawinity, NC. An incoming thunderstorm hurried everyone to bring things indoors and clean up. Leftovers, of which there were so many, were saved for our fellowship meal on Sunday. Pastor Christiansen preached on Sunday morning from Leviticus 25 on the hopeful topic of the Year of Jubilee.
The church thanks Pastor Christiansen and all those hard-working people who helped to make this event such a joyous success. What a blessing it is when brothers and sisters in Jesus come together to celebrate God's love for us!