Last night our congregation gathered in the fellowship hall for a time of sharing, eating, and learning.
The fruit of the vine and the unleavened bread |
Pastor Adam took us through the Seder, with all its cups of juice and nibbles of unleavened bread, horseradish, parsley, and dates. The readings -- by him, by Joyce (the evening's Jewish "mother"), by the people gathered -- were meaningful and enriching.
By participating in the meal we learned so much about the Jewish people and their traditions, about how Jesus observed this meal, and especially which cup, with the matza bread, Jesus offered as His body and blood. What a fascinating experience!
We also brought food for a covered dish meal. The ladies busily prepared it all.
Pastor Adam wore his apron for all that cooking.
The Seder involved children often, all through the meal, and they enjoyed helping.
The Seder Supper is quite interactive, with lots of tasting, explaining, and reading aloud. Thank you, everyone, for coming and enjoying this with us! We feel even more ready for the Easter season this year.
One long table included everyone, from babies to our older members.