Thursday, November 23, 2017

Giving Thanks Together!

Our church's 5th annual Thanksgiving Day dinner was a wonderful gathering of thankful people!
Fifteen friends, family, and visitors laughed, ate, shared, thanked God, cleaned up, and took to-go boxes away.
Harvest decorations and banners abounded, and many pies and cakes were enjoyed.
Here are some who came:

Philip deep-fried an 18-pound turkey, and Woody kept him company.

So much wonderful food! It truly was a feast in all the best ways.
The fried turkey was the most moist turkey ever eaten.

A lovely butternut salad:
And Darryl's lighter-than-air spice cake - delicious!
We thank God for our church family, a group of people who love and help each other each day of the week and are more like family than merely acquaintances we see on a Sunday. The fellowship of this table and the joy shared today remind us of the beauty of God's kingdom. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!