Sunday, July 19, 2020

Caring Worship

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we ask that everyone wear a mask or face covering while inside our building. Please ensure that it fully covers both the nose and the mouth. We provide hand sanitizer as you enter the sanctuary, and the offering plate is there as well. Please observe social distancing as you choose a seat for worship. Sunday school is at 10:00 am, and worship is at 11:00. Tuesday evening Bible study is at 7:00 pm.

We strive to maintain the worship of our Lord while still demonstrating wisdom and care for one another. Thank you for your compliance with these requests. We understand that some congregants are comfortable with these worship habits, and others still feel safer at home. 

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Our Outdoor Space

So much beautiful care has been taken with the garden beds around the church this spring and summer! The church has never looked prettier.
More annual flowers were planted in the sign bed.
The perennial flowers on either side look so lovely this year.
A pretty picket fence now hides the septic equipment.
The recently added red maple tree looks so nice in its pebble bed.
More pebbles were placed around 
the tiny rose bush near the side entrance.
Dick Baker's memorial garden is well-kept now and mulched.
The remaining beds around the front of the church are tidy, mulched, and have both perennial shrubs added last year, and newer annuals for color. 
The black trim has been an amazing addition!

Many thanks to the folks in our church who have given so many hours to do this work. We appreciate you!