On Wednesday Cricket passed from this world into a glorious eternity, a transition she has been preparing for and anticipating for many years. She was ready to meet her Savior and Friend, Jesus.
Cricket Draughon was 101 years old. She lived in North Carolina all her life, and in Pamlico County for most of it. She was a much-respected and loved member of the community, and a faithful supporter of our church.
The church was full of family and flowers.

A graveside service was not possible after the funeral service in the sanctuary because of the dampness of the ground after all our recent rains.
After the service, our church ladies served the family by offering a meal in the fellowship hall.
Some had long drives ahead of them, after an emotional family time, and the meal was greatly appreciated.
Miss Cricket will be missed very much, but she lived a full life of hard work and dedication. Each Sunday morning during our prayer time, she would often admit her sins, ask for God's forgiveness, and then express her gratitude for all God had done for her and given her. She prayed for a thankful heart. We celebrate her long life and are joyful in her arrival at her eternal home!