Sunday, July 09, 2017

The Potter's Wheel

 On Saturday evening, our church people enjoyed our monthly Fellowship Supper. Afterward we had the privilege of a very unique and special presentation by a gifted potter, Nadine Eby. The Ebys have added so much enthusiasm and blessing to our church, and last night was no exception! Nadine's program, "The Potter's Wheel," delves deeply into the Scriptural parallel between how a potter molds, handles, and cares for his clay pot, and how God's molds, handles, and cares for us.
 Nadine brought her kick wheel and clay. She demonstrated throwing the pot: centering it, forming it, applying pressure from within and without, and gently pulling the clay upward into a pot.
 Nadine, who was trained in New York City and has been a potter for 35 years, made it look so simple and easy! As she handled the clay and spun the wheel, she talked to us, incorporating Scripture and examples from real life.
 She also brought along various pieces of pottery that would have been typical in Biblical times. From left to right: Gideon's jar, two cruets for mixing oils, a chalice and plate, and in the back a short oil lamp similar to one the ten virgins might have held in Jesus's story.
 We all sat in a semi-circle watching, amazed by both her skill and all the spiritual parallels. At the end we sang together a cappella "Have Thine Own Way, Lord." "Thou art the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will."
Thank you, Nadine, for sharing your gifts and insights with us!