Saturday, October 06, 2018

Help After the Hurricane

Immediately after Hurricane Florence, two friends drove from Florida to help Pastor Adam.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Mili Cook, people smiling, eyeglasses, outdoor and closeup
Ted and Mili visited our community several years ago, stayed for a month or so, and attended our church. They grew to be dear friends. They came when the storm was still churning south of us, when the devastation was fresh, when there was no electricity or A/C. They assisted in some of our more desperate situations for some ladies who had not evacuated and needed help. What a blessing they were to everyone!

Hurricane Florence ripped our church sign from its posts.
 Today a work crew of kids and adults arrived at our church from Christ the King PCA Church in Raleigh, NC. They wanted to help us clean up after the hurricane.

An elderly church member who evacuated for several weeks because of the storm had a large yard full of debris. He was eager to mow!
 But first the debris (mostly from pine trees) must be raked up. That's what they did -- mountains of it!

Our county will be in recovery stage for many months as all the duct work, insulation, furniture, yard debris, roofing, and other items are stripped from homes and yards and piled near the roads to be collected. Driving along our roads now is often navigating among tall, leaning piles of wood and trash. We appreciate so much those who want to lend a helping hand. Thank you, friends, for coming!